Kamis, 09 Mei 2013


Next, quotes words! these are my fav, STAY TUNE YAY! xx

- 'You cant have a better tomorrow if you're thinking about yesterday all the time!' <--yang belum bisa move on, LETS MOVE ON!
- 'Trying to say goodbye to someone and it minute later you're still talking' <--ini anceman gagal move on xx
-. 'FAILURE is NOT the end, but it can be the REAL beginning of SUCCESS'
- 'Nothing HURTS more than waiting since I dont even KNOW what I'm WAITING for anymore!'
- 'I may young and lack of experience, that doesn't make you an expert and gives you right to treat me like trash'
- 'The truth hurts only once, but a LIE hurts every time you remember'
- 'Sometimes, you have to accept that not every one is going to LOVE YOU BACK, that's why its most important to love yourself'' xx
- ' Dont had on to people who let ya down, hold on to the ones who pull you back up!'
- 'Happiness isn't something you postpone for the future, its something you design for your present!'
- 'Own your mistake, its okay,we all make them. Learn from them, so they can empower you!'
- 'Control your jealoussy. You weren't born to be perfect, YOU WERE BORN TO BE YOURSELF' :^)
- 'Money doesn't make people love you forever! It just make them harder to leave you' :^P
- 'The best REVENGE is looking GOOD and being HAPPY'
- 'When someone says they love ya, dont just take their word for it'll be written all over the way they're treating you!'
- 'As time seems to move very slowly, life deceive you into thinking that you have a looong time to achieve your dreams and ambitions! However, when life suddenly comes to an end, it seems to brief.... Life is meaningless, and everything you do turn out to be awaste of effort, 'cause everything ends in death; its pointless believing in life, and its promises; you were a fool to have been DECEVED by life'

 Okayy, enough for this day, i'll give you more adorable quotes later. See ya soon! xx

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